At Buckingham Primary Academy, we believe that it is vital for all our pupils to develop themselves intellectually, morally, socially and spiritually and be respectful, responsible and kind learners. We encourage, and equip children with the skills, to accumulate resilience and persevere in order to enable them to achieve in the outside world where they consistently evaluate, discern and challenge their own and others’ views. Children are able to flourish regardless of background or ability to become the best version of themselves and possess a strong understanding of the world around them in order to play a positive role in an ever-changing society.
Through a series of weekly high quality JIGSAW lessons, children acquire the skills, knowledge and attributes they need to keep themselves physically and emotionally healthy and safe. We encourage and challenge our pupils through sequence of lessons and content that incorporates the statutory RSE curriculum, British values and protected characteristics. Knowledge is organised as a progression of skills separated into six-week units, which is built on between year groups. It is retained and deepened through retrieval tasks and scenarios from our Learning Council.
Learning is supplemented through assemblies, themed weeks and visitors to enable children to better retain and make links with previous learning. The Voice 21 oracy programme further supplements and enables children to develop the vocabulary, skills and confidence to clearly articulate their thoughts and feelings and equip them with the skills to positively and appropriately present themselves in the outside world.