As you may be aware, in light of the Government's rejection of the proposal to fund FSM vouchers during October half term, Hull City Council have decided to fund supermarket vouchers. Due to the suddenness of the Government's rejection and the turn around for the decision by the council, it was announced during half term that the provision of the voucher would be after the half term break and would assist in reimbursing the costs of food over the half term week.
Councillor Peter Clark, Portfolio Holder for learning, skills and safeguarding children said: “Whilst we would have liked to have arranged this ahead of half-term, with Parliament only voting on Wednesday (21st October) not to extend free school meal provision over holiday periods, the Council has had to very quickly assess how best to help struggling families at this time.
“It is not possible logistically for us to provide vouchers to all 11,000 eligible families ahead of half-term, this is the most effective way of ensuring that all children who need it get the necessary support, and we will consult with our schools about distribution.”
Parents and Carers of pupils eligible for free school meals will receive a voucher via email from a company called Wonde.
The school will use the same email address as that which was used previously for vouchers issued by Edenred.
If your child has become eligible for free school meals since September then the school office will contact you to confirm your email address. The school will also contact those parents and carers who previously opted for printed vouchers, as email is the preferred and quickest method of distribution but we do of course understand that this isn't always an option and are happy to make alternative arrangements.
Please note: if your child became eligible for free school meals after the half term you will not receive a supermarket voucher.
For those parents and carers who do not have access to a mobile device and/ or the internet, we have contacted Wonde regarding the procedure for printed vouchers and will endeavour to issue the vouchers as soon as we are able to do so.
We are hopeful that vouchers will be issued by email to all eligible families by Friday 13th November 2020.
Please see below for a video which shows the user journey for parents and carers claiming their supermarket vouchers from Wonde.